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A Higher Call To Faith, Family, and Hope

Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
 (Psalm 51:10)

These beautifully simplistic, yet profound words of repentance from King David are the inspiration from which this book was written. The author, Patrick Dillon, feels this heartfelt cry is urgently needed in today’s society.

 “Serious events are taking place in the world and in our own personal lives
– it’s time to renew our faith and become steadfast in our convictions.”

This is a mixture of Holy Scripture, personal perspective, and family stories dating back four generations from the tail end of the Gold Rush, the Great Depression, up to current events. Topics such as Evolution, abortion, voting, peer pressure, baseball, Israel, and the “great recession” are passionately discussed.

The author’s friendly candid style evokes an array of emotions. He challenges himself and his readers to truly commit to God, a God who deeply loves us and desires our very best. It is Patrick’s sincere aspiration that those who read this will have a renewed sense of true hope that only God can give.


Inside Peak:

I immediately called my sister and told her that she was going to Hollywood. Of course, she thought I was joking until the producer of the movie “Bella who was still nearby asked for the phone to tell her in person.

The river knows exactly where it is going as it gently winds its way down to the Pacific Ocean. Sometimes I wish I had that much sense of direction in my own life.

I ran outside and raised my hands toward the angry sky and pleaded with God to divert the storm away from the airport. Almost immediately, as if God was responding, a huge bolt of lightning struck less than a mile away, exposing me with its brilliant light for the madman I had become.

Dad realized that his fire had gotten out of control and was spreading out into the forest. Frantically, he took off his coat and used it in a desperate attempt to extinguish the wind-whipped flames.

According to the director of LifeGuard, almost 90% of the women contemplating an abortion who see the ultrasound of their unborn baby decide against it.

Voting doesn’t guarantee that we will get who we want; rather, it allows us to make a public statement before God and society what we believe in, and that we are willing to make a conscious effort to preserve these values.

With hammer in hand, I got inside the driver’s seat and started pounding the dash in and everything else that would break.

On the way to the accident scene I started to pray out loud, harder than I ever had before. When I arrived and saw the extent of the damage, I thought for sure my wife and son had been killed.

Without this void being filled, we will be hopelessly lost – dead bones blindly stumbling along, never finding true happiness; a lonely desperate search that will never be fulfilled.

It’s no wonder some of our kids feel lost today; they are being exclusively taught that they are just an accident with no real meaning or purpose and are equivalent at best to any other animal species.

If each prayer in our life represented one tree, how many barren hills could they cover in our life time?

Whether we are praying, coaching a little league baseball team, raising a family, on a date, attending class, at work, at play, or at anything, we must never forget who we are and what example we are trying to portray because the world is watching our every move with desperate eyes, searching for the truth that only God can give.

. . . An uneasy silence filled the cabin of our bus with the exception of Coronado still barking intermittently with the memory of the all the action still fresh on his mind. 

As they say in baseball, it’s time to step up to the plate.  If you miss the first pitch, make an adjustment – don’t just repeat the same bad swing, choke up a little, step back in the batter’s box, move closer to the plate – do whatever it takes to increase your chances for getting a hit.  The same is true for Christians – we have to do whatever it takes to stay focused on God.

Health, financial, family, and social troubles are the story.  These type of problems have always been around but it appears that things have intensified and continue escalating as if we were quickly hurling toward some type of climax or life-changing event yet to be revealed.

That night, we came together as a team and the players fed off each other like I’ve never seen before.  The other opponent had the most talent but like with most all-star teams, they weren't playing as a group but rather, each player for themselves. 

†  †  †

Author's Introduction in Part:

The phrase, “It takes one to know one,” is the foundation upon which I have written this book. I’m the last person who should be talking about righteous living. While attending high school, it literally took a brief apparition from Heaven while in deep prayer to snap me out of my downward spiral. The change didn’t happen overnight and it is still continuing on a daily basis.

No matter who we are, whether we’re rich, middle class, homeless, or somewhere in between, we need to follow the teachings of Christ to avoid going through unnecessary hardship as individuals and as a nation.

I believe we have come to a point in history where the existence of true Christianity is literally at stake. We have watered down our faith to become more acceptable to society. While the secular world is working overtime to destroy Christian values, some of us are blindly stumbling along, falling deeper into the abyss of secularism and avarice. Our slide has not gone unnoticed and the alarm has already been sounded by many Christians – but are we listening?

When I first started writing this book in 2006, it seemed a little strange to be writing about troubled times when the economy appeared to have rebounded nicely from the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Prosperity was in the headlines, at least for Wall Street and the corporate world. However, I was not focusing on material wealth back then just as I am not today. Instead, I continue to focus on the spiritual health of our nation. But wow, what a difference a few years can make! Our economy is in shambles and fear and uncertainty have gripped our nation and the world. I wasn’t surprised when it became apparent that greed and immorality was the main ingredient in this self-inflicted recession.

Sin is prevalent in every corridor of society – in the media, our homes, our schools, at work, in sports, and even in our churches. Some of our ministers and priests are falling into moral disparity and marriages are failing at an all time high which have contributed to the spiritual and moral demise of our families. How far must we fall before we take this crisis serious enough to get on our knees and repent? Scripture tells us that we are all one body; therefore, we are all affected by sin and share in the responsibility of its consequences. This doesn’t mean we should live in fear because the world is not in control – our loving Father is. The Apostle Paul confirms this in 2 Timothy 1:7.

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.

If we take this Scripture to heart, we have the power through Christ Jesus to change our lives for the better, but if we continue to ignore our present dilemma, we only have ourselves to blame. Choosing God does not mean our lives will not be without trials; rather, our Lord will give us the necessary strength to endure them. This is a comforting thought in a troubled world.

In other words, we have to focus on God’s power, not on the world’s problems.

You don’t have to go through hell to find God and it is my deepest hope and prayer that anyone who reads this book, especially youth, will learn not to repeat some of my own and my family’s personal experiences that separated us from God. I also hope others will follow the good examples that are portrayed here in the form of family stories (a memoir, past and present).

The main message in this book is hope – the kind of hope that can only come from God.

(This is only a summary of the author's introduction, therefore, if you decide to purchase this book, It would be appreciated if you would read the full introduction before going forward as important information is included that is pertinent to understanding the updates that take place throughout this book.)

Special Note from the author: The success of this book has not come from who I am but rather, who God is. I'm like most of you, a common citizen, just trying to make sense of life. I think this is why the reader finds it easy to connect with this book because we are on the same playing field and share similar challenges and experiences.

I invite you to read Steadfast Christian whether you are young, old, or any age in between. This book is packed with God's Holy Word and His powerful message is the only roadmap to help us overcome our problems, and most importantly, If we will listen to Him, we will have joy even when the rest of the world lives in fear.


This book is dedicated to my dad and grandpa whose pictures are displayed above.

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Please email the author with your prayers, questions, comments, advice, or other requests.


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God Bless and may our Lord be with you,
